Experience, choose and express as greater peace, freedom, joy and love!

Soul Alignment - Shift living from your disconnected, painful ego self, to living aligned in your connected & peaceful Higher self, being true to your heart & soul as you trust & plug into the source of all life.

Old Life: Living at a lower level of consciousness, from the neck up, ruled by the fear-based ego which is competitive, selfish, controlling, forcing and reactive. Health issues, insomnia, a bland existence, lack of intimacy in relationships, inability to heal pain, not living true to yourself, feeling blah & depressed; disconnected from your internal GPS; less energy, worrying, confused, stuck, unhappy, attracting lower vibe situations and people. Living in anxiety and stress, trying to control; giving power and energy away to others; disempowered, anxious, frustrated.

New Life: Living at a higher level of consciousness, grounded, trusting, ruled by soul love; collaborative, service focus, allowing, responding, in flow of life, living from integrated heart & head; can experience joy in midst of chaos and be the calm in the storm. Connected at deeper level to self and others for more fulfilling relationships, easier decision making, more energy, aliveness, vibrancy, vitality, better health; empowered, deeply peaceful & positive role model for others, stronger immune system, attracting higher vibe relationships, happier & able to live purpose and die with no regrets.

  • Engage in practices to transcend your ego self and connect to your Soul Self/The Divine for greater peace, meaning & intuitive access, resulting in better choices & actions for greater fulfillment and success.
  • Learn and develop any of 21 spiritual intelligence skills (*SQ21) to act more often from wisdom and compassion, as the noble or spiritual leader you most admire.
  • Apply universal spiritual principles and wisdom to your work and life for greater peace, freedom, joy and success.
  • Live a full life with meaning and joy from your alignment with your purpose, passion and core values.

*SQ21 is a model of Spiritual Intelligence created by Cindy Wigglesworth which translates the most-admired qualities of our spiritual heroes—people like Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, or Martin Luther King Jr.—into a set of 21 skills that can be measured and intentionally developed.

Why Purple?

Purple represents the flavor of Soul Alignment as it’s the color of the crown chakra, symbolizing spirituality, sacred wisdom, and being one with the world. Purple is an introspective color, expanding our awareness and connecting us to a higher consciousness. It’s the color of transformation and enlightenment.

"Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with source, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful than a group of millions who have not achieved this alignment."

- Esther Hicks

"I am more relaxed and open now. I frame problems and projects with my clients in a more positive, meaningful way. If things aren't working out the way I want them to, I'm calmer. I feel more open to the flow of life and trusting things will work out in the best way. Barbara made a huge impact to my life."

- Ralf Friedrich, CEO, German Project Solutions, Dieburg, Germany

The Flavors

Click on an image below to explore each unique aspect of the Divine Juicy Life Program.


Soul Practices

Soul Alignment

Healing Pain

Sensory Immersion

Nourishing Relationships

Creativity & Play